
Please ensure you have read the VISE Overview before proceeding as the API endpoint is based on your VISE url which is dynamic.

Where vise-url is mentioned, we are referring to your actual VISE domain, not ‘vise-url’. Explained in the VISE overview.


The Vecurity VISE API endpoint requires multi level authentication in order to gain access to using the endpoints required.

Authentication Flow

Please see a step by step breakdown on how to gain access to your VISE API endpoint.

  1. Login to Vecurity Dashboard

  2. Visit the ‘My Account’ section and gather your API token from the dashboard.

  3. Make use of the Vecurity Domains API to gather your domains, authenticated with the API token from the previous step.

    1. Using the Domains endpoint, you will need to gather the following details in order to construct your Vecurity VISE authentication URL for creating the session to your domain.

      1. domain_vise_url - The URL of your VISE endpoint

      2. domain_vise_phrase - The key phrase to create a session on VISE.

    2. Please note that there is an expiry on the session

    3. You need to construct your endpoint like so: https://{domain_vise_url}/auth?pfk={domain_vise_phrase}

  4. Now that you have your VISE URL, you will need to invoke a request to that endpoint, either utilising the response cookies and taking the session cookie in your next requests, or you can make use of creating a requests session.

  5. Once you have your VISE URL, authenticated by your Session, you also need to make use of your API token once again that you retrieved from the Vecurity Dashboard

Code Example

Here is an example of how it looks in Python Requests.

import requests

# Retrieved from the Vecurity Dashboard (we recommend using environment variables here)
# below is for demonstration and simplicity purposes only.


headers = {
    "Authorization": VECURITY_API_TOKEN

# Fetch list of domains from the Vecurity API
domains_response = requests.get("", headers=headers)
domains_response.raise_for_status()  # Will raise an exception for HTTP errors

# Parse the domains data from the response
domains = domains_response.json()

# Iterate over the domains data
for domain in domains['data']:
    data = domains['data'][domain]

    # Check if the site is active on Vecurity
    if data['domain_status_details']['enable_site']:

        # Construct VISE URL
        domain_vise_url = data['domain_vise_url']
        domain_vise_phrase = data['domain_vise_phrase']
        vise_url = f'https://{domain_vise_url}/auth?pfk={domain_vise_phrase}'
        # Use a session for subsequent requests
        with requests.Session() as vise_session:
                response = vise_session.get(vise_url)

                # Check if session was created
                if response.status_code == 200:
                    # Example usage of the Vecurity VISE API
                    domains = vise_session.get(f'https://{domain_vise_url}/api/domains?auth_token={VECURITY_API_TOKEN}')

                    if domains.status_code == 200:
                    print("An issue occured with authentication, please debug.")

            except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
                print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

Specifically what this code is doing is constructing the VISE URL for all domains on your account, creating a session, then sending a request to each endpoint on the VISE API (VISE Domains Endpoint), returning the output of the VISE Domains endpoint for all of your domains.

Once the session is opened, you can perform programmatic requests using the VISE API.


If you need any support with this, feel free to get in touch with our live chat or